Join us as we celebrate our 20th anniversary with the production '20', a commemorative performance featuring excerpts from our favourite past productions, showcasing the talent of some of the original actors who have been part of Dù Theatre's journey over the years. The cast includes 27 performers featuring Mark Mifsud, Pawlu Portelli, Carlos Farrugia, Elaine Saliba, Peter Galea and Jes Camilleri. Dù Theatre actors will also be performing: Simone Spiteri, Kristjana Casha, Magda van Kuilenburg, Franica Pulis, Robyn Vella and Victoria Theuma.
Ingħaqad magħna, hekk kif qed niċċelebraw l-20 anniversarju tagħna bil-produzzjoni ‘20’, xogħol kommemorattiv li fih siltiet mill-produzzjonijiet favoriti tagħna tal-passat. Għal din il-produzzjoni se jieħdu sehem 27 artist, inkluż uħud mill-atturi oriġinali li kienu parti mill-vjaġġ ta’ Dù Theatre tul is-snin fosthom Mark Mifsud, Pawlu Portelli, Carlos Farrugia, Elaine Saliba, Peter Galea u Jes Camilleri. Naturalment l-atturi ta’ Dù Theatre se jieħdu sehem ukoll: Simone Spiteri, Kristjana Casha, Magda van Kuilenburg, Franica Pulis, Robyn Vella u Victoria Theuma.