If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat.
Oscar Wilde
Time is witness to Man’s eternal struggle for equality, which over the millennia came in various forms and ways. But yet, ironically enough, this struggle was always paralleled by another equally continuous one, to distinguish oneself from another on many levels. So are the ‘victoriously’ Conscious supreme over the unaware? Or does the latter’s lack of knowing about the existence of a better palate make them better off than those who know the palate but failed to taste it?
This 30 minute piece tries to explore the relationship which exists between these two ‘states of being’ and the strange but yet vital way in which they have to co-exist. By creating a dichotomous connection between the mundane and the conceptual the piece tries to look at the separate but yet common path each ‘entity’ must take.
Languages: English
Performers: Simone Spiteri, Magdalena van Kuilenburg