Christine was born in 1987. She officially joined Dù Theatre in 2013. 

Active in the local theatre scene since 2011, she is mostly known as properties coordinator: sourcing, designing and fabricating actors' props, costume items and set pieces. She has on occasion also stage managed shows, and served as assistant to the director, both within the company as well as freelance. Since moving abroad in 2015 to study and work in animation, she continues to work remotely on digital media related production necessities and running the website.

Her involvement with Dù Theatre includes the pieces Il-Marid Immaġinarju (2015), Forget-Me-Not (2014), Il-Ħajja Xejn Cool ta' Teenager Jismu Julian (ŻiguŻajg 2012 & 2013), Kjaroskur (2012), and Fly Flynn! (2014) where she was designer of the show's visual elements.

Other performance credits include: #Bees4Food (2017) shadow puppets for Science in the City; #babydaddy (ŻiguŻajg, 2014) and Once Upon a City (2015) for Studio18; Il-Ħajja Sigrieta tan-Nanna Genoveffa (2013), Olly's Prison (2013), A Number (2012) for Unifaun Theatre; Blood Wedding (2013), Don Juan ta' Molière (2013) for Manoel Theatre Productions; RnJ2&Z (2012) for Revolt Theatre; Ali Baba the Christmas Pantomime (2011) for FM Theatre, and Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (2011) for MADC.


Posted in Biographies, Christine.