Kif Tgħallimt Insuq
Rebbieħ tal-premju prestiġjuż Pulitzer, id-dramm How I learnt to Drive ta’ Paula Vogel, kellu effett rivoluzzjonarju fuq it-teatru Amerikan. Rakkont postmodern li jittratta suġġetti tqal bħall-pedofelija u l-kompliċità tal-familja b’mod sensittiv imma fl-istess ħin umoristiku, aċċessibbli u ħafif.
Id-dramm inqaleb għall-Malti minn Simone Spiteri għall-premiere f’Theatre Next Door bi produzzjoni ta’ Dù Theatre. Dan il-kapulavur jikkonfronta l-kumplessitajiet ta’ relazzjonijiet tabù b’vulnerabbiltà kuraġġuża u onestà li tqanqal l-emozzjoni. B’direzzjoni ta’ Chiara Hyzler, Kif Tgħallimt Insuq hu rakkont li jsegwi l-vjaġġ taż-Żgħira, fejn il-linji tal-imħabba u l-kontroll isiru tiżliġa ta’ umanità profonda, trawma u maħfra.
Aktar minn 25 sena wara li nkiteb dan id-dramm, dawn it-temi kienu, jekk ma sarux, rilevanti aktar minn qatt qabel.
Dan il-proġett hu megħjun mill-Kunsill Malti għall-Arti, Theatre Next Door, APS Bank u Victim Support Malta.
EN Sometimes to tell a secret, you first have to teach a lesson. Żgħira’s lesson starts on a warm summer evening, a driving lesson that catapults her into a complicated relationship with her instructor.
Recipient of the prestigious Pulitzer Prize, the play How I Learnt to Drive by Paula Vogel had a revolutionary effect on American theatre. A postmodern story that tackles heavy topics like pedophilia and family complicity, in an accessible and sensitively way brought to life with humor and wit.
The play has been translated to Maltese by Simone Spiteri for a special premiere at Theatre Next Door, produced by, Dù Theatre. This theatrical masterpiece confronts the complexities of taboo relationships with brave vulnerability and tear-jerking honesty. Under the direction of Chiara Hyzler, Kif Tgħallimt Insuq follows the journey of Żgħira where the lines of love and control blur into one another to reveal profound humanity, trauma and forgiveness.
Over 25 years after its inception, one could argue that the prevalent themes found in this play are more relevant now than ever before.
This project is supported by Arts Council Malta, Theatre Next Door, APS Bank and Victim Support Malta.
ETÀ | AGE: 13+
LINGWA | LANGUAGE: Malti | Maltese
DATI | DATES: 28 ta’ Frar; 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 ta’ Marzu 2025 | 28 February; 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 March 2025
ĦIN | TIME: 7:30pm/8pm
POST | LOCATION: Theatre Next Door, Magħtab
TAĦDITA TEATRU | THEATRE DISCUSSION: 28 ta’ Frar, 8 ta' Marzu 2025 (wara l-ispettaklu) | 28 Feb, 8 Mar 2025 (after the show)
PREZZ | PRICE: €23.58 (standard); €18.45 (gallarija)
Shows on these dates include English subtitles: Saturday 1st March & Saturday 8th March.
KAST | CAST: Simone Spiteri, Peter Galea, Moira Vassallo, Pierre Stafrace, Maria Buckle, Magdalena Van Kuilenburg, Adam Ryan