"Il-Marid Immaġinarju made for good, light entertainment and was a good choice of Dù’s to make a comedy debut with a revival" – Andrè Delicata, Times of Malta

Some are sick in the head, some are dying to be sick! A comedy by Molière, adapted for modern audiences. 

Admit it. We all want to live for ever. But some of us seem to think we are dying forever! A rich man, Argan is cursed with an obsession that he is eternally unwell, the perfect victim for quack remedies and doctors. Desperate to have what every sick man wants; a doctor in the family, he tries to marry off his daughter to a family of doctors. Meanwhile desperate to get her hands on his money, his second wife brings in the lawyers to try and get her hands on his money before he is even dead and buried. 

A carnival of characters take to the stage to persuade, cajole and fight for the man's wealth as he lies in his chair in perfect health but convinced of his imminent death. 

Who or what will be the death of him? Will his wife get the loot? Or will the doctors before her? And what about his poor impulsive daughter, she who is in love with a singer artist she met just three weeks before? Molière's explosively funny comedy, translated by George Cassola, continues to be a sure-fire hit with plenty of laughs, music and even a bit of dance!

Il-Marid Immaġinarju was performed at the City Theatre in Valletta on the 29th, 30th and 31st of May 2015.


Language: Maltese

Director: Chris Gatt

Performers: Chrysander Agius, Simone Spiteri, Daniel Azzopardi, Elaine Saliba, Carlos Farrugia, Pierre Stafrace, Magdalena van Kuilenburg, Jean Marc Cafa' and Franica Pulis

Band: KażinSka


Photos by Christine Joan Muscat-Azzopardi

Posted in Past Performances.