MEDEA (2008)

"The first play I ever saw was Dù Theatre’s rendition of Medea. I think I was about 19 years old then, but even through the drama and the gore of the play, I felt like a child being taken into a whole new world"- Iggy Fenech, Sunday Times of Malta

"Nisħet lilkom u lil missierkom..."
Euripedes (translated by Prof. Oliver Friġġieri)
An all-female rendition of Euripides’ Greek tragedy of Medea. Using Prof. Oliver Friġġieri’s translation, it is a cacophonous tale spun around betrayal, hate, devious revenge and a heart-wrenchingly insane climax. Medea is a scorned and betrayed woman by her husband, Jason, who had promised her eternal love. The sorceress Princess will stop at nothing to repay him back and is willing to stain her hands with blood, treachery and trickery at the expense of causing grief herself.
Medea taps into the dark and misshapen shadows of each one of us. It rests upon the ever Universal themes of jealousy, passion, hate, revenge and murder and, being a Classic, appeals to varied audiences.
Language: Maltese
Director: Simone Spiteri

 Magdalena van Kuilenburg, Simone Spiteri, Franica Pulis, Victoria Vella, Kristjana Casha, Dominic Dimech.

Composers and Musicians:
Tim Ellis, Chris Cini, Gilbert Micallef, Antoine Zammit
Photos by DrooRizz Photography
Posted in Franica, Kristjana, Magdalena, Past Performances, Simone, Tim, Victoria.