LACUNA (2006)

“X'imkien 'il bogħod 'il bogħod fejn tinxtamm biss riħa ta` stejjer mitmuma...”
Trevor Zahra

Four women in an empty space who have nothing in common; who don't know who they are, where they are, who the other three are… and who they themselves are. Only one thing connects them- they all know how to sing the Santa Lucia until they find a way of how to remember...

LACUNA has also toured Lejlet Lapsi - Notte Gozitana, GOZO (May 2007), Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre, EGYPT (September 2007), Lo Sguardo, l'Anima e La Maschera, SICILY (December 2007), Amateur International Theatre Festival of Girona (FITAG 2008), SPAIN (August/September 2008)

Language: Maltese

Writer: Simone Spiteri

Director: Simone Spiteri

Performers: Simone Spiteri, Magdalena van Kuilenburg, Franica Pulis, Kristjana Casha

Musicians: Tim Ellis, Chris Cini, Michael Galea

Photos by DrooRizz Photography

Posted in Franica, Kristjana, Magdalena, Past Performances, Simone, Tim.